Monday, June 10, 2013

It Starts With a Mud Hut

I've written at length on this blog about my love of Minecraft. Today I finally had the opportunity to play it online with my brother. We found a newer server, set off into the wilderness, and started building. Night came far too quickly for us to gather a decent supply of torches and build a proper shelter. S my brother and I improvised a quick shelter made of dirt.

So we joked about our mud hut. Even when we had better materials, we kept adding to our mud hut rather than building something else. It *still* has no roof. :-)  at one point, an player on the server complained that some of his better items had been stolen. We joked about sending a message to the administrators confessing to the crime and telling them that we hid the items in our mud hut.

Anyway, it was a blast playing Minecraft with my brother online. I hope we can find time to do it again soon!

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