Monday, August 5, 2013

Honeymoon Part 5

Sadly, our honeymoon is now over. In less than an hour, Amanda and I will be asleep, and we'll be at our normal jobs at our normal times tomorrow morning.

It was an incredible week though. Our wedding went off without a hitch thanks to lots of help from our families and friends. Even the cleanup went fairly quickly and smoothly! Amanda and I had an exempt productive morning on Monday packing up for our trip, and then we were off to Edmonton.

We explored, shopped, and visited things each of us had hoped to see, and had an amazing time together. Together alone, I should say. At any rate, we drove home from Edmonton yesterday, and spent the rest of the day (and today) unpacking, doing laundry, and enjoying the last few hours of our honeymoon before the real world intrudes again tomorrow. Things will be different though. I've got a ring on my hand now. And inside the ring, there's a tiny affirmation for when things aren't much fun. It reads "I OK". (Actually, it's a label that means my ring is 10 karat gold, but I prefer to think of it the other way).

So, before I leave this to go to bed, here are a few more photos of our honeymoon. The first is of Amanda in front of the wall carvings on the front of the Royal Museum of Alberta. In the second, the Great One looks on and can't believe the Kissing Couple of Grande Prairie is taking a photo in front of him. Finally, the last photo is of Amanda in our hotel lobby, grateful to get off her feet for a minute (we did a ton of walking while in Edmonton)

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