Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Favourite Person

Apparently tonight I was Amanda's niece's favourite person.  As soon as we walked through the door and took our shoes off, she was saying "Uncle Jake, want to come see my room downstairs and my new books?"  So I followed her down, and once she determined that she couldn't find the books she was looking for, she spent 15-20 minutes showing me her "laptop" and how it worked.  During that time, she pressed the buttons for most of the letters of the alphabet, heard the pronunciation, and saw a pixellated picture of an animal that started with that letter.  (For the record, using "queen bee" for Q was an awesome idea).

Amanda joined us to tell us supper was ready, and her niece gave Amanda a quick demonstration of her laptop, but it was much briefer.  I don't know if it's because I've seen her more often than Amanda has lately or what, but she was definitely my buddy tonight.

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