Sometimes I have urges that I can't explain. They're just a feeling that if I do a certain thing, eat a specific food, or even try to fall asleep in a particular position, it will ultimately be the right thing to do.
About an hour ago, I was looking out our bedroom window. Amanda and I were actually going to bed, but I looked out at the lights reflecting off the wet road, and hear the rain, and had a sudden desire to go for a drive.
So I did. Amanda didn't feel up to coming (as I said, we were heading to bed when I got the urge), so I put on a jacket and went for a drive. I picked up my iPod on the way out, and chose an album that ended up being perfect, and drove for a little over a half hour.
It was wonderful, and just what I needed. Something about the drive and following that initial desire just *worked*. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders, and when I got home, I was my normal cheerful self, not the cranky Jake who was around earlier in the evening.
Sometimes my mind knows exactly what I need, even if I don't understand why. I'm very glad I followed that urge tonight!
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