Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Sound of water falling

On Sunday afternoon, Amanda and I went for a fairly lengthy walk.  I had to visit Michael's to pick up some more origami paper for a program at the library, so we walked over from Amanda's place.  We walked through Muskoseepi Park on the way, and stopped to watch the river flow down over the concrete embankment.

It was really neat to see the unbroken ice and snow above, and the free-flowing river below.  Amanda and I hadn't walked through the park for a few months, and we stopped for a photo while watching the river.

As a side note, it looks much colder in the photo than it actually was.  We both ended up pink cheeked by the time we made it home again, but we really enjoyed getting out, and hope that the warm weather continues so we can get out more often.

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