Friday, September 21, 2012

Early Day Ahead

We've got an early day ahead.  Tomorrow, Amanda and I are heading out for the day with her Dad and people from their shop.  Right now I can't think of the name of the place, perhaps because it is midnight right now.

All I know is that I've got to be up in 6 1/2 hours (far too early for a weekend) so we can get on the road to this place so we'll have time to spend the whole day out there.  So why am I still awake?

...I gave in and had a second can of pop while we were having supper tonight.  The caffeine is still working its magic on me.

It's funny -- caffeine itself doesn't seem to keep me from sleeping.  However, it *does* keep my mind racing.  I can lay in bed and try to sleep, but I think to myself "I could be doing A, or I could be doing B, or I could be doing C, or I could be doing D..."  Eventually I think "I might as well be awake writing a blog post or looking up stuff (random kickstarter projects, video game reviews, etc.) online instead of staying here next to Amanda tossing and turning."

And so I got out of bed, came out to the living room, flopped down on the couch, and fired up Amanda's Macbook.  And thus I wrote this post.  Night folks!

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