Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Technolust Part 5

Everyone else in the world is probably talking about it, so I might as well too.  My technolust has kicked in -- I want an iPhone 5.

That said, I really don't need one.  In the past month, my phone usage has dropped like a rock.  I don't need to text or call Amanda very much anymore now that I get to see her all the time (yay!)  My phone still works fine for the things I use it for, and I'm used to taking photos with it for this blog!

But still -- I look at shiny new pieces of technology and my heart beats a little quicker.  I think to myself "I've been good -- I've had my current phone nearly two years now.  I'm not one of those people who feels the need to upgrade every year."

I'm sure that the next time I see Amanda's brother-in-law, he'll be telling me about how Telus has upgrade plans in place for people who've owned their phones for two years, and find interesting stuff to do with Amanda between their two iPhones just to bug me.

I think I can be strong though.  I mean, once I have an iPad somewhere down the road, what in the world would I need an iPhone for?

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