Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Yearly Tradition

I don't have any major traditions for St. Patrick's Day. I didn't drink until 30, and still drink in extreme moderation even now. Furthermore, with my birthday the next day, it would be kind of weird to have a party on St. Patrick's Day and then expect one the next day, too.

But this afternoon, Amanda reminded me of a tradition: shamrock shakes. We stopped for them after getting groceries, and they were full of pepperminty deliciousness.

In other news, I got to open the birthday gifts from my parents early while we were Skyping earlier tonight. One gift, to me and Amanda, was a haikube set. It's a set of dozens of dice with words on five faces of each die. You roll the dice onto the floor, read the haiku theme on one of the special red dice, and then write a haiku with the other word dice to make a haiku with that theme. It's really cool, and and because Amanda and I like haikus so much, you may get to read some of the ones we come up with!

Now, tomorrow is my birthday, and the last two years were two of the best in my entire life. Here's hoping the next year is just as good!

Countdown to wedding: 131 days

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