Hi to everyone who has stumbled across this blog!
My girlfriend and I are a couple in our early 30s who live a few hours away from each other. Our weekends are spent driving to see each other, and we tend to try to make the most of the time we've got. For various reasons, we spend more time in Grande Prairie than in Tumbler Ridge.
We tend to do a lot of wandering around Grande Prairie and occasionally one of us will stop and pull the other closer for a kiss. I joked one day that we should be taking pictures and using them to start a blog -- The Kissing Couple of Grande Prairie.
We both laughed about the idea, and since then have described our kisses in ridiculous ways as if we really were sharing them with an audience of blog readers. "This is the Kissing Couple of Grande Prairie at the corner of 106th and 118th waiting for the lights to change" "The Kissing Couple of Grande Prairie at Muskoseepi Park, enjoying the last few days of summer" "The famous Kissing Couple of Grande Prairie outside the newspaper office having their pictures taken by newspaper staff who 'can't believe they're really here!' " ...okay, the last one might be a little much.
At any rate, I only took one decent picture of us kissing for quite some time. But then last weekend, we really started talking about it again. I think Amanda may have felt I was still joking, until I took a small handful of photos of us kissing around town.
So that's what this blog is here for. We may, from time to time, write about other things that move us. But for now, it's just a place for photos of the Kissing Couple of Grande Prairie. If you happen to see us around Grande Prairie, give us a wave!
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