Monday, January 23, 2012

Nighttime Shopping

Amanda and I took this photo on January 21st outside of Save-On at around 10pm.  I got into Grande Prairie around 7ish, and we went out for a late supper and stopped to grab a few groceries afterward.  I grabbed her for a quick kiss on the walk through the parking lot toward the store.

I'll be honest -- this is far from my favourite photo of the two of us together.  My hair is *still* needing a haircut, and Amanda's hair (which I love) is all covered up by her toque.  That said, I do think it's funny that it almost looks like a spotlight is being trained on us and our kiss.  :-)


  1. Where's the before and after pics? The blog demands to see the new Jake!

  2. All in due time, Amanda -- I'm working through the photos we took this weekend in chronological order! :-)
