Friday, January 13, 2012

Waiting on Mother Nature

If Mother Nature cooperates, Amanda will be visiting me in Tumbler Ridge in about 14-15 hours.

That's a pretty big "if."  The weather forecast is still calling for 2-4 inches of snow between tonight and tomorrow night.  That said, the weather station is in Chetwynd, an hour away, so it could be that Chetwynd will be snowed in and we'll enjoy a fairly nice weekend here.

That's what the optimistic part of my mind tells me.  The realistic part reminds me (at every opportunity) that I live in Tumbler Ridge, and that it is January.  By all rights, there should be three feet of snow on the ground, snowbanks plowed 4-5 feet high, and I should be considering whether I need to buy a pair of snowshoes.

So tomorrow in all likelihood you'll either be hearing from Cranky Jake, disappointed about missing a weekend with Amanda, or not hearing from me at all, because I'm too busy spending time with Amanda to update the blog.  But if the latter does happen, hopefully we'll be taking a bunch of photos with my phone and her new iPhone, and I'll have a bunch of new photos to share of the Kissing Couple of Grande Prairie, as seen in Tumbler Ridge.

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