Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I'm well aware that for the most part I'm a lucky guy.  Amanda and I don't have what I'd consider a long-distance relationship.  If I want to go see her (or vice-versa), I just have to make sure my car has some gas in it, and away I go.  If the roads between Tumbler Ridge and Grande Prairie are decent, I'll be seeing her in less than three hours.

If I ever had some kind of emergency here, she could come on fairly short notice.  If I ever had an incredibly bad day and desperately needed to see her, I could drop everything, drive out after work, stay the night, and still get home for work in the morning just fine, if a little tired.

It's nothing like people who work out at camps, or in the oil patch, or in diamond mines up north.  I'm not sure how those folks manage it.  It'd drive me nuts if I didn't get to see Amanda for three, four, or six weeks at a time.

That said, we do live in the north.  Last weekend we didn't get together.  The roads were icy, it was my shorter weekend, and Amanda had plans with her family on Saturday night.  We had hoped that Amanda could drive out to Tumbler Ridge this weekend, but the forecast is for 4-6 inches of snow.  There's a good chance we'll have to delay getting together for another week.

We're going to keep an eye on the forecast and hope for the best, but in the meantime I find myself with a Tom Petty song stuck in my head.

*singing* "You take it on faith, you take it to the heart // the wa-a-a-a-iting is the hardest part"

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