Sunday, July 29, 2012

Semi-Lazy Sunday

After our action-packed day yesterday, Amanda and I enjoyed a well-earned lazy Sunday.  We stayed in bed until 10:30, didn't have breakfast until around 11:30, and didn't head out to do our running around until 2ish.

We picked up some shampoo for her, a chair mat for me and a few groceries, then returned home for supper, laundry, and then a walk.   That's it.  We took tonight's photo just before picking up my chair mat at Staples.

I did a little more unpacking, and we're starting to see order in the living room again.  There's still a mountain of boxes, but now there is bare space on either side of that mountain.  There's a clear path to my computer desk, but also a clear path to the balcony and Amanda's side of the couch.

So it's back to work for both of us tomorrow, but this week should be easier.  I'll be in my second week of my new job, and we won't be worrying about getting the remainder of my stuff out to Grande Prairie.  I'm hoping for a good week ahead!

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