Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tired, but here.

We're done.  Amanda, her parents, and I went to Tumbler Ridge today and spent a few hours moving the remainder of my stuff to Amanda's place in Grande Prairie.

We're exhausted.  Amanda and I left at 8, returned around 5:30ish, and for the rest of the night, the task has been unpack and dig out of the "esplosion".

I can't say that we've been totally successful in that task yet, but things *are* looking way better than they did six hours ago.  My bookshelves are in place and loaded with close to a dozen boxes worth of things, and my computer desk is set up (though I can't find my mousepad, and as my desk is red, it doesn't cooperate with my optical mouse, so I'm using a piece of cardboard).

Anyway, I'm here, so is my stuff, and bedtime is *very* soon.  Amanda and I will be doing some more unpacking tomorrow, but we're also hoping to have a day off.  I'm hoping for low-key unpacking in the morning followed by an afternoon in the park -- maybe some frisbee or swimming!

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