If a picture's worth a thousand words, what is a picture made up of a thousand words worth?
A lot, as it turns out!
A while back I used Wordle to put together a tag cloud for the library. It was neat to do, but once I finished I put it to the side and didn't play with it again.
Today I updated the library's website to add our tag cloud to the front page (because we don't have any incredibly important news to post right now), and it occurred to me that posting a word cloud of the blog posts I've written would be really neat!
So I checked out the website, found out that I could just put in the address of our blog, and made this word cloud tonight. I assume it just uses the most recent blog posts that are available to an RSS feed, as some words are really overrepresented, and it surprises me that I don't see others.
I may do one of these word clouds now and then as a visual to show what the blog has been about recently. That said, I may also stack the deck a little:
Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda <3
There we go. The input text for the next word cloud is off to a good start!
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