Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yarn Tales

Amanda and I took this photo together shortly after stepping outside of Michael's last weekend.  We went there to pick up another skein of red yarn for my scarf after a discussion about whether I'd be able to live with the length of my scarf if I finished it up now.

Amanda thought it wasn't long enough, and I countered by saying that everything would be okay if I made the tassels at the end of the scarf long enough.  Eventually reason (Amanda) prevailed, and I'm planning on adding at least another foot of length to the scarf.

So when we stepped outside, I grabbed Amanda for this photo.  Looking at the photo now, I think it's funny that we were just at the right angle to have the signs for Edo and Opa (cut off somewhat) visible to either side of our heads.  Having never eaten at either of them, the photo was not planned that way.

Anyway, I'd better wrap this up for the night.  I've still got one more photo Amanda and I took together last weekend, and I'll probably be posting it tomorrow night.

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