Saturday, October 13, 2012

Amanda and I took this photo together outside of RBC this afternoon.  We had just finished doing some other running around after having breakfast with my new nephew and his family at McDonald's.

It was a good day!  We stopped by the bookstore in the mall and picked up a number of books that'll come in handy in the future:

Be the Man

  • all about weddings from a guy's perspective
Fodor's Essential Italy
  • We don't know for sure if we'll be able to do it, but we've discussed honeymooning in Italy.  Even though we're focusing on planning for the wedding itself right now, it's never to early to start planing for the wedding's aftermath :-)
The Newlywed's Instruction Manual
  • The books made by this company are useful and funny, and we really enjoyed reading parts of it together already.  The washroom door-style drawings and accompanying captions are hilarious and cut things down to their essentials.
Wedding Planning for Dummies
  • We saw a copy of it for sale, and it's the same edition as the one we borrowed from the Library. Amanda knew we'll want to use the book long past the three week loan period, so we bought it as well.
So from a literary standpoint, we're all set for our wedding, honeymoon, and life as newlyweds!  We've got some reading to do, and much of it will be done together, or at least sitting side-by-side on the couch like we are now.

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